F2F Radio: Some Stuff 201213

F2F Radio: Some Stuff 201213

Some stuff off the top of my head from the past week. You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio https://soundcloud.com/user-846427763 https://youtube.com/BLKnight2012 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/f2f/ https://brandnewtube.com/@FeetToTheFireRadio Twitter: JAJancik Continue reading F2F Radio: Some Stuff 201213

F2F Radio: Are We Witnessing Rev 11:3?

F2F Radio: Are We Witnessing Rev 11:3?

Spreaker Podcast Version BitChute Version https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/11-3.htm I had talked before about I had a hankerin’ Trump (and Pense) may be a manifestation of the Two Witness Archetype in Revelation 11:3. Now, post-election, it seems to get even clearer. I will Continue reading F2F Radio: Are We Witnessing Rev 11:3?

F2F Radio: Speeding Toward Collapsing Time

F2F Radio: Speeding Toward Collapsing Time

Audio Source: Spreaker Is time speeding up? Are parallel universes collapsing in on themselves? Are we heading to a singularity? Or just War… http://www.fractal-timewave.com http://mondovista.com/timewavex.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna#Novelty_theory_and_Timewave_Zero Maybe the Dec 21, 2012 thing was a few years early? Ian Lungold’s interview Continue reading F2F Radio: Speeding Toward Collapsing Time

F2F Radio: Derailing the Vaccination Pandemic

F2F Radio: Derailing the Vaccination Pandemic

This a 3rd in a series of programs deals with an eyewitness account and subsequent public research published in a book, “The Poison Needle” by Eleanora McBean (1957) and again quoted in the recently published book, “Virus Manis” by Torsten Continue reading F2F Radio: Derailing the Vaccination Pandemic

F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

I pondered a bit after last week’s webcast and wanted to go into the phrase (Title?) The Son of Man as used by Enoch, Daniel and Jesus, Audio Podcast VERSION HERE http://www.pseudepigrapha.com/pseudepigrapha/1enoch_all.html#CH1 http://biblehub.net/search.php?q=son+of+man https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+8&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+7&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+3&version=NASB I do go into Continue reading F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

F2F Radio – Richard Alan Miller Visit (06/28/20)

F2F Radio – Richard Alan Miller Visit (06/28/20)

The Full video is also on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/james.a.jancik/videos/10217522220347637/ Audio-Only Version HERE Also, there was nothing I could do to correct the “lip lag” on Richard’s video due to our network connection, his computer. Dr. Richard Alan Miller is Continue reading F2F Radio – Richard Alan Miller Visit (06/28/20)