Month: June 2023
F2F Radio: “For My Sake”

Audio Podcast Link I have found the richness and depth of meanings and applications of Jesus’s Teachings to grow the more time and commitment you put into studying them. As with much of His presentations, the qualifying phrase, “In My Continue reading F2F Radio: “For My Sake”
James’ Upcoming Live Interview

Greetings! I will return to The Edge AM Show for a live video interview by host Daniel Ott on Sat, June 24th 5:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Central/8:30pm Eastern (Sunday June 25th 00:30 UTC). Live listeners may post questions via the website form Continue reading James’ Upcoming Live Interview
F2F Radio: Lawlessness Grows-Love Fades

Audio Podcast Link “And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s hearts (Lit: the love of many) will become cold.” -Matthew 24:12 This prescient statement conveys an unmistakable message from Jesus. As people look around them and see crime rising, they Continue reading F2F Radio: Lawlessness Grows-Love Fades