F2F Radio: Evil, for the Purpose of Demonstration w/Guest Les Visible

https://www.bitchute.com/video/GmdlfQHBMoej/ Rumble Video LINK    –    Audio-Only Podcast LINK Many wonder why God allows Evil to happen. Les Visible, an author, blogger, and musician has communicated on this very question time and again, answering He allows it for “the Continue reading F2F Radio: Evil, for the Purpose of Demonstration w/Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio: The End of Days w/Dr. Joye Pugh

BitChute LINK Podcast LINK Joye Pugh is no stranger to F2F Radio. Here is a link to previous visits: https://feettothefireradio.com/f2f-radio-eschatology-dr-joye-pugh/ Tonight we will dig into her work on the Anti-Christ, The Beast and his mark, and the means of control Continue reading F2F Radio: The End of Days w/Dr. Joye Pugh

F2F Radio: Are We Witnessing Rev 11:3?

Spreaker Podcast Version BitChute Version https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/11-3.htm I had talked before about I had a hankerin’ Trump (and Pense) may be a manifestation of the Two Witness Archetype in Revelation 11:3. Now, post-election, it seems to get even clearer. I will Continue reading F2F Radio: Are We Witnessing Rev 11:3?

F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

I pondered a bit after last week’s webcast and wanted to go into the phrase (Title?) The Son of Man as used by Enoch, Daniel and Jesus, Audio Podcast VERSION HERE http://www.pseudepigrapha.com/pseudepigrapha/1enoch_all.html#CH1 http://biblehub.net/search.php?q=son+of+man https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+8&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+7&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+3&version=NASB I do go into Continue reading F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

F2F Radio: Grim Words to Inspire & Focus

Grim words that bring focus and clarity and breaking the spells of delusion. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mat+24&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+11%3A31-39&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=daniel+12%3A8-13&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+11%3A3-13&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+9%3A23-26&version=NASB You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio Continue reading F2F Radio: Grim Words to Inspire & Focus


Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/jancik/f2f-radio-covid19-solution-make-it-air-t It is not about a solution for the COVID-19 virus. It is about a solution to USE the COVID-19 virus to KILL the USA’s Economy, KILL freedoms, KILL the Constitutional Rights that so PAINS the Globalists, and KILL Continue reading F2F Radio – COVID19 Solution: MAKE IT CHOKE TIGHT

F2F Radio FTU-002 What Is Mammon?

What Is Mammon?

F2F Radio: FTU-002 “God or Mammon” Spreaker Podcast Player    —   Direct Download MP3 Continuing in the On-The-Fly series, “Fathoming The Unfathomable: Bringing Eternal Principles into Space-Time,” the Biblical word Mammon has been on my mind. What does it mean? Continue reading F2F Radio FTU-002 What Is Mammon?

F2F Radio – 10/20/19 – Faster Johnny!

Faster and Faster we Go! When It Stops…??? Audio Only Podcast Version: HERE Stream of Consciousness on the Vibes and News of the week as we go faster and faster…. to… What?? Bumper Music: Jennie Devoe – “Faster Johnny” from Continue reading F2F Radio – 10/20/19 – Faster Johnny!

F2F Radio – LIVE 180331 – Tides Turned? Just, Maybe…

Tides Turning

F2F Radio March 31th, 2019 Greetings All, Tonight I will do an Audio-Only case via Spreaker. I will comment on a range of topics and news of the week. Have the tides turned  tides turned Coupe/Fake News? Maybe… Just Maybe… Continue reading F2F Radio – LIVE 180331 – Tides Turned? Just, Maybe…

F2FRadio – As Realms Collide, Negativity Increases


F2FRadio March 24th, 2019 Greetings All, Tonight I will do an Audio-Only case via Spreaker. I will comment on a wide range of topics. Spreaker Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/jancik/f2fradio-live-for-march-24th-2019-misc YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/XyJ5dVI_ozo In fact, Auto/Spreaker will be the default unless I need Continue reading F2FRadio – As Realms Collide, Negativity Increases

F2F Radio -181111 – Oh, It’s On in Fraudland


Oh Fraud, It’s On in Swampland Audio Only: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-181111-oh-its-on-in-swampland Well… the Blue trickle turns into a Blue Wave VIA MASSIVE voter Fraud! Trump calls out the cavalry. Who Will Win? We might miss it through the smoke and flames of Continue reading F2F Radio -181111 – Oh, It’s On in Fraudland

F2F Radio: The Will of God?

God's Will Authority

The Will of God… Not to be confused with God’s Authority Audio Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/jancik/f2f-radio-the-will-of-god I have heard many in this days look at the world and say, “No worries, the Will of God cannot be stopped.” OR, “It’s God’s Will” Continue reading F2F Radio: The Will of God?

F2F Radio LIVE for 05-06-18 – Belief vs Action

Belief and action

Feet to the Fire Radio LIVE for May 6th 2018: Belief Can Hurt Affecting Reality So far so good… on many things. Bleeding still stopped… Federal Judges calling out #Mueller investigation and a major #Storm reporter is realizing #OAnnon is, Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for 05-06-18 – Belief vs Action

F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel

F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel Live interview with Zeph Daniel (Feb 25th 2018) Zeph was born into an elite family, and at an early age, became a failed victim of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. However, the Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel

F2F Radio: The End of 2017

End of 2017

Feet to the Fire Radio; The End of 2017 Audio Only Stream: HERE I will talk about a few news stories, like President Trump’s recent EO on Human Rights and his declaration of Jan 2018 official Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Continue reading F2F Radio: The End of 2017

F2F Radio for Nov 5th 2017 – New JFK Files

A Look at the New JFK Files and How it Effects Assassination Theorists Audio Only Podcast Version Tonight we look at the new Kennedy Files released by President Trump with: Brian David Andersen is the author of books and videos Continue reading F2F Radio for Nov 5th 2017 – New JFK Files

Feet to the Fire LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 – Stormy

Stormy Times! Feet to the ire Radio LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 Audio-Only – MP3  or AAC+ Seems like every week is a year. Comments on news items over the past week. Storms of all kinds! Hurricanes, X-Class Solar Flares, Continue reading Feet to the Fire LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 – Stormy