F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

So… the die has been cast, and it was a Trump landslide… So I’m sure the losers will simply lick their wounds and go away? Evil never quits, and neither does Les Visible who joins us to prognosticate, “What’s Next?” Continue reading F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio: Karma, Grace , The Buddha, and what about those E.T.’s?

F2F Radio: Karma, Grace , The Buddha, and what about those E.T.’s?

Les Visible returns to share his insights on: Karma vs Grace Buddha’s non-interference directive? And what about those Inter-dimensional beings? The Audio-Only Podcast link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/f2f-radio-karma-grace-the-buddha-and-what-about-those-e-t-s–60684671 https://innersites.com/feet2fire/aaaa www.Feet2Fire.com (2003-2016) www.FeetToTheFireRadio.com (2017-2024) Bumper song: “Mr. Apochalypse” by Les Visible A/V

F2F Radio: Interdimensional Manipulation

F2F Radio: Interdimensional Manipulation

Angels, Demon, Extra-Terrestrials, bloodshed, fighting, etc.; I will describe the physical/vibrational/spiritual conclusions explaining the interaction and relationship which has plagued us for millennia and, the coming end of the manipulations. BitChute LINK  –  Podcast LINK You can always have access Continue reading F2F Radio: Interdimensional Manipulation

F2F Radio: Glancing At The Rearview Mirror

F2F Radio: Glancing At The Rearview Mirror

BitChute LINK   –  Podcast (audio-only) LINK Every so often it is good to glance at the rearview mirror to see how far you’ve come and how straight your course is. https://innersites.com/feet2fire/aaaa www.Feet2Fire.com (2003-2016) www.FeetToTheFireRadio.com (2017-2024) Opening bumper song: “Miracle” https://kevinleeandthekings.com You can Continue reading F2F Radio: Glancing At The Rearview Mirror

F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

I pondered a bit after last week’s webcast and wanted to go into the phrase (Title?) The Son of Man as used by Enoch, Daniel and Jesus, Audio Podcast VERSION HERE http://www.pseudepigrapha.com/pseudepigrapha/1enoch_all.html#CH1 http://biblehub.net/search.php?q=son+of+man https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+8&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+7&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+3&version=NASB I do go into Continue reading F2F Radio: Enoch, Daniel, Jesus and the Son of Man

F2F Radio: Grim Words to Inspire & Focus

F2F Radio: Grim Words to Inspire & Focus

Grim words that bring focus and clarity and breaking the spells of delusion. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mat+24&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+11%3A31-39&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=daniel+12%3A8-13&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+11%3A3-13&version=NASB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+9%3A23-26&version=NASB You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio Continue reading F2F Radio: Grim Words to Inspire & Focus

F2F Radio – Wading Thru The Pollution (Disinfo)

F2F Radio – Wading Thru The Pollution (Disinfo)

I prerecorded webcast with some ideas and methods and the subtle and apparent consequences in wading through disinfo, the information overload, pollution, and blind spots in these perilous times. Audio Podcast on SPREAKER You can always have access to everything Continue reading F2F Radio – Wading Thru The Pollution (Disinfo)

F2F Radio – RAMin’ into the New Year with Richard Alan Miller

F2F Radio – RAMin’ into the New Year with Richard Alan Miller

Audio Podcast Version: HERE RAMIN’ into the New Year and through the blocks both mental and spiritual, Dr. Richard Alan Miller return yet again (we have lost count) to Feet to the Fire RADIO to take my and your questions, Continue reading F2F Radio – RAMin’ into the New Year with Richard Alan Miller

F2F Radio FTU-002 What Is Mammon?

F2F Radio FTU-002  What Is Mammon?

F2F Radio: FTU-002 “God or Mammon” Spreaker Podcast Player    —   Direct Download MP3 Continuing in the On-The-Fly series, “Fathoming The Unfathomable: Bringing Eternal Principles into Space-Time,” the Biblical word Mammon has been on my mind. What does it mean? Continue reading F2F Radio FTU-002 What Is Mammon?

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 –  Various Stuffery

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery Audio-Only Podcast Version: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-live-for-190922-various-stuffe Planned guest’s wife passed away. God bless him in his time of sorrow. I will talk about various stuff and take your questions via eMail or YouTube or Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery

F2F Radio LIVE for Sept 1st 2019

F2F Radio LIVE for Sept 1st 2019

Feet to the Fire LIVE for Sept 1st, 2019 Will talk about some items in the News and my Mind, from my Heart. Spreaker Audio Podcast Link: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-live-190901 Some links discussed in show: https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/31/chris-hayes-electoral-college-would-be-unconstitutional/ https://www.liveaction.org/facebookcensorship/ https://www.facebook.com/james.a.jancik/posts/10214938172188048 ———- I recall hearing Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for Sept 1st 2019

A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

A Simple And Obvious Take On The #ChinaProblem   China oppresses its populous to work for near slave labor wages which allows them to undercut other countries who allow free markets, collective bargaining, etc to determine wages, and the wholesale Continue reading A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

F2F Radio-06/09/019: Unprecedented Push-back

F2F Radio-06/09/019: Unprecedented Push-back

Unprecedented Push-Back Audio Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/jancik/f2f-radio-live-for-june-09-2019-unpresed I will be doing a LIVE broadcast tonight @ 7pm Central USA time. It will be via Spreaker and will be posted there for listening/downloading later and uploaded to YouTube/BitChute at some point shortly thereafter. Continue reading F2F Radio-06/09/019: Unprecedented Push-back

F2F Radio – Honest Answers to Abortion Questions

F2F Radio – Honest Answers to Abortion Questions

There are ways to solve the most complicated, dire problems on the planet which are in theme selves simple. Besides being honest and educated on the issues and facts, the main ingredient is Peace with the answer. That is to let go of the problem and embrace the peace of a satisfied mind who did the best they can for the highest good: Continue reading F2F Radio – Honest Answers to Abortion Questions

F2F Radio – A New Year Chat LIVE w/Dr. Richard Alan Miller

F2F Radio – A New Year Chat LIVE w/Dr. Richard Alan Miller

A New Year Chat LIVE w/Dr. Richard Alan Miller Audio Podcast Version: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-new-years-chat-w-dr-richar-ala We plunge headlong into yeat #17 with F2F, LIVE with a New Years Chat with Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D.; a long time fav on F2F and Continue reading F2F Radio – A New Year Chat LIVE w/Dr. Richard Alan Miller

F2F Radio for 180113 – Your Attention Please!

F2F Radio for 180113 – Your Attention Please!

Link to Audio Podcast Version: https://www.spreaker.com/user/jancik/f2f-radio-for-190113-your-attention Just touching base with a test of my system after my reconfigure process and some comment on items in the past few weeks. Plus a warning that your attention is sought, at all costs Continue reading F2F Radio for 180113 – Your Attention Please!

F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

What is Inspration and Where DoYyou Get Yours? Audio Only Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-180930-inspiration-and-its-sou Starting out planned as an addendum or sorts for last weeks broadcast on Prayer & Meditation, I wanna talk on one’s source of inspiration, which, come from within Continue reading F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation

F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation

What is actually the act/action of “Prayer & Meditation.” What do the words convey from the biblical Hebrew and Greek? What is actually the act/action of “Prayer & Meditation.” What do the words convey from the biblical Hebrew and Greek? Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation