F2F Radio: Lame Duckery’s Dastardly Trump Card?

F2F Radio: Lame Duckery’s Dastardly Trump Card?

Audio Podcast LINK The Ultimate Lame Duck Dastardly Trump Card… WWWIII You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio https://soundcloud.com/user-846427763 https://youtube.com/BLKnight2012 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/f2f/ https://rumble.com/c/c-1801067 Twitter: JAJancik GAB: Continue reading F2F Radio: Lame Duckery’s Dastardly Trump Card?

F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

So… the die has been cast, and it was a Trump landslide… So I’m sure the losers will simply lick their wounds and go away? Evil never quits, and neither does Les Visible who joins us to prognosticate, “What’s Next?” Continue reading F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 –  Various Stuffery

F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery Audio-Only Podcast Version: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-live-for-190922-various-stuffe Planned guest’s wife passed away. God bless him in his time of sorrow. I will talk about various stuff and take your questions via eMail or YouTube or Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for 190922 – Various Stuffery

A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

A Simple And Obvious Take On The #ChinaProblem   China oppresses its populous to work for near slave labor wages which allows them to undercut other countries who allow free markets, collective bargaining, etc to determine wages, and the wholesale Continue reading A Simple and Obvious Take on the China Problem

F2F Radio – Alternate Searches Still Skewed by Google

F2F Radio – Alternate Searches Still Skewed by Google

Alternate Searches Still Skewed by Google Link to Audio Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-for-190728-alternate-searchs-s DuckDuckGo, Startpage, etc may hide you from Google prying eyes, but, their searches are still skewed/censored by Googles algorithms. Will show you with examples. You may be surprised what Continue reading F2F Radio – Alternate Searches Still Skewed by Google

F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio for 4/28/19 The American Extreme Left and Trump: The Nazi Inversion Preparing for a F2F Radio broadcast, live, at 7pm Central. Had a big AH-HA moment this week, I wanna talk about out and lay it out rather Continue reading F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio – LIVE 180331 – Tides Turned? Just, Maybe…

F2F Radio – LIVE 180331 – Tides Turned? Just, Maybe…

F2F Radio March 31th, 2019 Greetings All, Tonight I will do an Audio-Only case via Spreaker. I will comment on a range of topics and news of the week. Have the tides turned  tides turned Coupe/Fake News? Maybe… Just Maybe… Continue reading F2F Radio – LIVE 180331 – Tides Turned? Just, Maybe…

F2F Radio -181111 – Oh, It’s On in Fraudland

F2F Radio -181111 – Oh, It’s On in Fraudland

Oh Fraud, It’s On in Swampland Audio Only: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-181111-oh-its-on-in-swampland Well… the Blue trickle turns into a Blue Wave VIA MASSIVE voter Fraud! Trump calls out the cavalry. Who Will Win? We might miss it through the smoke and flames of Continue reading F2F Radio -181111 – Oh, It’s On in Fraudland

F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens

F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens

The Internet Noose Tightens: SLL Certs and Social (Trust) Scores   Audio Podcast Version: HERE I have spoken here and there about the ways of silencing undesirables from the Internet through technical means, Up until now, those ways caused too Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens

Trumpzilla vs The D.C. Swamp Creatures

Trumpzilla vs The D.C. Swamp Creatures

Trumpzilla vs The D.C. Swamp Creatures Trumpzilla, The Authentic American Daikaiju battles tyranny from the District of Columbia Swamp Creatures using those organic powers to work them like puppets to expose themselves and drive them mad in the process! The Continue reading Trumpzilla vs The D.C. Swamp Creatures

F2F Radio LIVE for Jun 24th 2018 – Why?

F2F Radio LIVE for Jun 24th 2018 – Why?

I will be talking about various news items this week, and, I have a question for you… yes you… Why do you listen to this broad/podcast? Comment below or send email to James via FeetToTheFireRadio.com No Les Visible tonight (my Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for Jun 24th 2018 – Why?

F2F Radio LIVE for May 20th 2018

F2F Radio LIVE for May 20th 2018

I’ll have comments on the week’s news and more… plus new commentary from Les Visible. MORE Listen to Audio Only HERE Opening “Bumper Music” by Ann McWillams – I Wander from her CD: “Sister Luna and the Diamond Stars” https://youtu.be/LIQdrb1Ry_E?t=49s Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for May 20th 2018

F2F Radio LIVE for Nov 19th 2017 – Jim Jatras on Saudi Arabia

F2F Radio LIVE for Nov 19th 2017 – Jim Jatras on Saudi Arabia

Jim Jatras on Saudi Arabia “Crackdown” Audio Only HERE Will open with some live comments on news stories, then play an interview recorded earlier today on what is really happening in Saudi Arabia. Is it really about anti-corruption, or is Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE for Nov 19th 2017 – Jim Jatras on Saudi Arabia

Feet to the Fire LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 – Stormy

Feet to the Fire  LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 – Stormy

Stormy Times! Feet to the ire Radio LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 Audio-Only – MP3  or AAC+ Seems like every week is a year. Comments on news items over the past week. Storms of all kinds! Hurricanes, X-Class Solar Flares, Continue reading Feet to the Fire LIVE for Sept 10th 2017 – Stormy