Feet to the Fire Video/Audio Productions

radio audio video studio production F2F
This page contains the Video and Audio productions and broadcasts of James Arthur Jancik of Feet to the Fire Radio/Video

F2F Radio 2003-2023 20 Year Anniversary

Feet to the Fire RADIO: 20 years LIVE! Jan 5th, 2003, marked the advent of Feet To The Fire LIVE! So, Jan 5th, 2023, makes year number 20 of webcasting LIVE audio and or video (with w couple of years of broadcast radio via syndicated on satellite). I wanted to ...

James McCanney F2F Radio Interviews 2004-2011

When I first started Feet To The Fire Radio in 2003, I sought out people I heard interviewed on Art Bell Coast to Coast so I could ask them the questions I wished to. I was thrilled to interview one of my favorite guests from C2C, James McCanney, M.S., and ...

F2F Radio: Revelation and Informed Choice

Link to the Spreaker Podcast  -  Link to the Bitchute Videoized Audio We are amid The Apocalypse... The Revealing of Things Covered... The Showing of Secrets... What Was Once Done In Private Is Now Done in Public. It is a time of seeing, understanding and choosing. We are witnessing WHY ...

F2F Radio: Eyes or Ears? Which to Believe?

Link to Speaker Podcast - Link to Bitchute Videoized Audio The two ideologic sides, let us name them the Steady State and the MAGA Crowd, seem to be living in two different planes of existence, and they are so incompatible it is as if a vacuum separated them. One cannot ...

F2F Radio: Using Inversion to Find Truth

Using Inversion to Find Truth I often use inversion to find Truth. Invert Good to understand Bad better, and invert Bad to understand better good. Invert Satan to Find God, and invert God to know Satan. NOTE: The last presentation was deleted from YouTube and I cannot upload or post ...

F2F Radio: Approaching The Event Horizon

As you can see, YouTube has deleted this presentation for what they label, "Medical Misinformation." But of course, personal choice and opinion are not allowed in many Social Media formats. Luckily, it is still available thru Spreaker and Bitchute links belw. Audio-Podcast LINK BitChute LINK I can feel it; increasing ...
Memorial Day

F2F Radio: Memorial Day Ponderings

Memorial Day Ponderings Spreaker Podcast Audio Only HERE Bitchute Version HERE As I ponder the fallen soldiers this Memorial Day, I have some heavy feelings I would like to share. While acknowledging the fallen #soldiers on #MemorialDay, I also, as an American, feel sadness and an obligation to also acknowledge and apologize to ...

F2F-Radio: Dr. Richard Multiverse Miller

NOTE: the Video/Audio goes out of sync starting about 3/4 the way through the YouTube version. The GAB TV version had no such issues: https://tv.gab.com/channel/f2f/view/f2f-radio-dr-richard-multiverse-miller-6289b5826b2530a3c8c36dc8 Spreaker Audio-Only Podcast LINK Dr. Richard Alan Miller returned to F2F Radio in what was supposed to be watched live, but I stopped the ...

F2F RADIO: Days Shortened

Many think God sends the plagues, blights, and famines as a punishment, and I disagree; I believe they result from humanity's choices based on lust, greed, and lies that have labored over the years to create the mechanisms and conditions for those events. As I read it, God's intervention saved ...

F2F RADIO: Times Passes… Observations from the Sidelines

Time Passes... Observations from the Sidelines Thinking about Easter, I have a few words on John 14:15. Also, I had been missing from the A/V streaming since Dec last year. Various reasons. But as 4+ months have passed, what has happened? I have some observations from the sidelines. Links Mentioned: ...

F2F Radio: For What Ye Bind On Earth…

Audio Podcast Version HERE Did Jesus give power to humans (or at least the Disciples) to create laws that not only have authority on earth but in Heaven as well? It would appear so: "Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; ...

F2F Radio Archives: The 3rd Secret of Fatima

In 2005, I did a presentation on Feet to the Fire Radio on the 3rd Secret of Fatima with Robert C. Valentine; author of the definitive book on the topic, "Alert for the Times: Book of Secrets."   I just received an email about a newly updated eVersion of this ...