F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio for 4/28/19 The American Extreme Left and Trump: The Nazi Inversion Preparing for a F2F Radio broadcast, live, at 7pm Central. Had a big AH-HA moment this week, I wanna talk about out and lay it out rather Continue reading F2F Radio- The American Extreme Left & Trump: A Nazi Inversion

F2F Radio for Apr 29th 2018 – Totalitarianism

F2F Radio for Apr 29th 2018 – Totalitarianism

Trump Is Ushering In Totalitarianism- But It Is NOT How You Think! Audio Only Podcast Version I am realizing all too clear, the election of Trump did not stop the slid into a Neo-Soviet state. It just switched from a Continue reading F2F Radio for Apr 29th 2018 – Totalitarianism

F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel

F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel

F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel Live interview with Zeph Daniel (Feb 25th 2018) Zeph was born into an elite family, and at an early age, became a failed victim of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. However, the Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE Interview with Zeph Daniel

Feet to the Fire Radio for April 2nd 2017

Feet to the Fire Radio for April 2nd 2017

Audio-Only – MP3  or AAC+ As I begin my 60th year on this planet, will comment on some of the issues on the deep state which, upon critical thinking analysis, contain damning points in the objections. Main segment is a Continue reading Feet to the Fire Radio for April 2nd 2017