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Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking Answers for the Ages.

F2F Radio: Degrees-All Governments Are Evil

Link to PODCAST Do not be deceived. No Governments are Good. No, not one of them. There are only different shades of darkness. All governments throughout history would and have thrown their citizens under the bus (even before buses) to keep themselves Animated and in Power. You can always have ...

F2F Radio: Identity Pollution

Audio PODCAST Link How you Identify opens or closes your eyes to reality. It could limit your range of options and skewer your view. It can help save time and pain in the process of triangulating facts. Truth is not hidden in itself. It is obscured by the pollution of ...

F2F Radio: It’s All Their Fault

Audio PODCAST Link Note: it cut off near the end. But I was about done anyway. (Boy I cannot go fast enough to Linux). This talk is not going to be a scapegoat whine. It will highlight how Evil uses division, flattery, and blame to defuse our focus on the ...

F2F Radio: Spiritual Access to the Physical

Audio Podcast Link There is a natural barrier that limits the ways the Spiritual Dimensions interface with the Physical Dimensions. However, humans can open access points within us and construct apparatus to bridge that gap, often with disastrous results. I want to talk about what I have accepted and natural ...

F2F Radio: Checking In

Audio Podcast LINK I'm checking in with a snapshot of where we are and our trajectory ahead... D'Gruve music Links Mentioned: You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: Now on ...

F2F Radio: Thoughts While Testing Live Mobile

Audio Podcast Link Thought about where we are and a prescient look at the road ahead while testing my mobile studio setup. You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at: Now on GAB ...

Live Interview On The Edge Broadcast

The archive of my interview on The Edge Broadcast show on June 24th with host Daniel Ott. Video Link on Rumble  ...

F2F Radio: “For My Sake”

Audio Podcast Link I have found the richness and depth of meanings and applications of Jesus's Teachings to grow the more time and commitment you put into studying them. As with much of His presentations, the qualifying phrase, "In My Name," followed this principle and opened up some unexpected tethers ...
Just as I am

James’ Upcoming Live Interview

Greetings! I will return to The Edge AM Show for a live video interview by host Daniel Ott on Sat, June 24th 5:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Central/8:30pm Eastern (Sunday June 25th 00:30 UTC). Live listeners may post questions via the website form or live chatroom. Link: The Edge AM Show The last ...

F2F Radio: Lawlessness Grows-Love Fades

Audio Podcast Link "And because lawlessness is increased, most people's hearts (Lit: the love of many) will become cold." -Matthew 24:12 This prescient statement conveys an unmistakable message from Jesus. As people look around them and see crime rising, they will be discouraged and complacent. They become desensitized to the ...

F2F Radio: John Kay (Steppenwolf) Tyranny 60’s-Today

F2F Radio Interview with John Kay (of Steppenwolf) Comparing and Contrasting Tyranny Seen in the '60s-'70s and the Present Day. (This was recorded in 2007 but eerily applies even more today. This was special to me as Steppenwolf has been my favorite band since '68, and John's lyrical commentary on ...

F2F Radio: Resonance

Podcast LINK Resonance: "The definition of resonance in physics is when the frequency of an external oscillation or vibration matches an object's (or cavity's) natural frequency and as a result, either causes it to vibrate or increases its amplitude of oscillation." -( What is the purpose of life on Earth? ...