F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

What is Inspration and Where DoYyou Get Yours? Audio Only Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/9584814/f2f-radio-180930-inspiration-and-its-sou Starting out planned as an addendum or sorts for last weeks broadcast on Prayer & Meditation, I wanna talk on one’s source of inspiration, which, come from within Continue reading F2F Radio 180930 – What’s Your Inspiration?

F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation

F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation

What is actually the act/action of “Prayer & Meditation.” What do the words convey from the biblical Hebrew and Greek? What is actually the act/action of “Prayer & Meditation.” What do the words convey from the biblical Hebrew and Greek? Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE 180923 – Prayer & Meditation

F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens

F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens

The Internet Noose Tightens: SLL Certs and Social (Trust) Scores   Audio Podcast Version: HERE I have spoken here and there about the ways of silencing undesirables from the Internet through technical means, Up until now, those ways caused too Continue reading F2F Radio LIVE: 180909 The Inter-Noose Tightens