F2F Radio: The Role of Cash in the Coming Crash

Lional Parkinson Interview on the Coming Crash
and the Role Cash Can Play to Help You Through

Download Audio: HERE

Lional Parkinson has appeared on F2F Radio in audio and video interviews on the coming financial crash and the role cash (physics, paper dollars) plays in it. As the stocks go higher on no real reason (emotions) the fall can/will be fast and hard. This is an overview; a summery laid out in a linear fashion to understand the hows and whys. To get a full background one should watch/listen to the previous interviews:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_JFPZnVqJe62GjsjkHUF-cBwDRqPu-zA

I purposely went slow and thorough, thinking up questions and objections that might be raised. PLEASE listen to this. It can save your butt and cost you, literally, nothing. Inaction can cost you everything.


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About BLKnight

James is the host of the Radio-Turned -Video talk show, Feet to the Fire which debuted on Jan 5th, 2003. Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking the Answers of the Ages. Now in its 16th year live, it can be watched or listened to live and/or in recorded formats from the website, https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com, their YouTube channel and Audi-Only Podcast versions vis Spreaker.