F2F Radio: Diddies and Data w/ Doc RAM

Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D. has been on F2F Radio MANY times I found a video interview from 2014, but he was on the radio (audio) version of the broadcast going back even longer. Here is a link to a YT playlist I created for his 23 visits!


Since moving to Rumble, I have had one previous video interview there:


A Richard Alan Miller talk is fun yet packed with avant-garde physics, chemistry, space science, botany, survival, and metaphysics. He is an 80-year-old child savant with multifarious, cross-planar info and, at times, outrageous outlooks in the life sciences. His stream-of-consciousness meanderings contain hidden gems unpack in subsequent listenings.

He has been on national radio shows like Coast-to-Coast Am, and yet here he is to share his us, live on F2F Radio.

His main website is:

About Dox RAM:

Doc RAM is not on the government payroll (CIA, NASA or otherwise) and greatly depends on book sales.

If you find him interesting consider going to his store or making a donation at:
Bumper Music: “Princess Lava Lava”
CD: “Pronounced “YAN-tsik”
www.Feet2Fire.com (2003-2016)
www.FeetToTheFireRadio.com (2017-2024)