F2F Radio – 20-03-22: A New Sun Is Rising

Audio Podcast Version HERE

I have many things to say but have changed my focus several times. I have been angry, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, outraged. In the end, I realize, if you believe in Divine Providence, there is a Great Plan (no not Q) at work. The self-moving pieces on the board are acting out and bringing about the results for their state of being. God’s Clockwork Universe allows free choices (or expose delusions) with then Clockwork itself, and “he” does not need to intervein. I will talk about news and such, local and spiritual analysis, and possible outcomes. And many are “good” in that like finding a tumor and removing it if one survives the quality of life is better; and if you die, you can watch from the sidelines.

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About BLKnight

James is the host of the Radio-Turned -Video talk show, Feet to the Fire which debuted on Jan 5th, 2003. Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking the Answers of the Ages. Now in its 16th year live, it can be watched or listened to live and/or in recorded formats from the website, https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com, their YouTube channel and Audi-Only Podcast versions vis Spreaker.