F2FRadio- Fairness in it’s “All About Me”
Audio Podcast: Listen Stream via Spreaker Page or app or Download
BIG winds here today. Power out several times. My Drobo RAID backup had to rebuild itself.; but all data safe. As a result, I will be doing another Audio-Only webcast via Spreaker. Less to go wrong! 😉 I will post the link to the Feet to the Fire Radio Show and when live, it auto-plays (I think) and after live, it will display the file to stream or download. Live folks can enter a chatroom there, but, you may have to log in. It is free to listen to either way. https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio You can also go to FeetToTheFireRadio.com and click the listen link on the left as well. I will talk about “stuff” from this past week and also concepts that I will pursue in weeks to come. Nothing is as it seems on all sides. Also, I had a bit of talk with PayPal about a privacy concern I had that you may want to be aware of. #Live #Radio #Podcast
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