F2FRadio- Fairness in it’s “All About Me”

F2FRadio- Fairness in it’s “All About Me”

Audio Podcast: Listen Stream via Spreaker Page or app or Download

BIG winds here today. Power out several times. My Drobo RAID backup had to rebuild itself.; but all data safe. As a result, I will be doing another Audio-Only webcast via Spreaker. Less to go wrong! 😉 I will post the link to the Feet to the Fire Radio Show and when live, it auto-plays (I think) and after live, it will display the file to stream or download. Live folks can enter a chatroom there, but, you may have to log in. It is free to listen to either way. https://www.spreaker.com/show/feet-to-the-fire-radio You can also go to FeetToTheFireRadio.com and click the listen link on the left as well. I will talk about “stuff” from this past week and also concepts that I will pursue in weeks to come. Nothing is as it seems on all sides. Also, I had a bit of talk with PayPal about a privacy concern I had that you may want to be aware of. #Live #Radio #Podcast

You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Articles and Archives at:

Twitter: JAJancik GAB: @F2F Minds.com: @JamesArthurJancik
https://www.facebook.com/james.a.jancik (Personal Timeline)
eMail: james @ This Website


About BLKnight

James is the host of the Radio-Turned -Video talk show, Feet to the Fire which debuted on Jan 5th, 2003. Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking the Answers of the Ages. Now in its 16th year live, it can be watched or listened to live and/or in recorded formats from the website, https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com, their YouTube channel and Audi-Only Podcast versions vis Spreaker.