F2F Radio LIVE 11/04/18 – Twas the Night before…

Twas The Night Before…

Well… The ORIGINAL live video did not get onto YouTube… I do not know why, but, I have the audio and it is uploaded in this video or you can listen via Spreaker:

Bumper music tonight was from Jennie Devoe from her CD “Ta Da” and the song is, “Faster Jonny”


Twas the night before many things. Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th. Voting on the 6th. The fireworks on the 7th. And, what of the 8th? Some thoughts I have on the Realities I see before me

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eMail: james @ This Website


About BLKnight

James is the host of the Radio-Turned -Video talk show, Feet to the Fire which debuted on Jan 5th, 2003. Alternative Talk for the Times, Seeking the Answers of the Ages. Now in its 16th year live, it can be watched or listened to live and/or in recorded formats from the website, https://FeetToTheFireRadio.com, their YouTube channel and Audi-Only Podcast versions vis Spreaker.