F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

So… the die has been cast, and it was a Trump landslide… So I’m sure the losers will simply lick their wounds and go away? Evil never quits, and neither does Les Visible who joins us to prognosticate, “What’s Next?” Continue reading F2F Radio: The Die was Cat, So, Now what? Prognostications w-Guest Les Visible

F2F Radio: Enlightening Strikes w/Guest Les Visible

Long-time friend and recurring guest, Les Visible, joins us for commentary on these latter days before the US election, Materialism. https://lesvisible.bandcamp.com/ http://www.smoking-mirrors.com http://www.visibleorigami.com http://www.zippittydodah.com You can always have access to everything Feet to the Fire Radio Audio & Video plus Continue reading F2F Radio: Enlightening Strikes w/Guest Les Visible